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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Thanksgiving Giveaway Idea

          During the last five years Mr. Ellington, an english teacher in the Justice and Law Academy, has been assigning an“$88 giveaway story,” and this year he will do one on November 19. He repeats the opportunity with his new students in the spring.

          “It’s a way to give back to the community… I think it’s everyone’s responsibility to share it and help out everyone else [involved],” said Mr. Ellington.

          Mr. Ellington incorporates this idea into his course objective. He said, “They have to write a story about who they would help. [They have to] use ethos, pathos, and logos in it, so it ties up with literature… and it also includes the ESLR’s. They have to be ‘aware and socially responsible citizens.’”

          The students write an essay for the “$88 idea” and submit it to the teacher. He screens them, and picks the ones that stand out the most and then the students take a vote to nominate a winner.

          “[The winner will be chosen based] on how they affect the students, so it has to be something that touches everybody’s heart. [The winner will be chosen based] on who uses the money in the best way; [on] who is going to have the greatest impact on somebody else’s life,” said Mr. Ellington.

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